About Carter

What prompted Carter to start making cutting boards?

During the pandemic, Carter was looking for a hobby to occupy his time. Woodworking was always of interest to him, so he started doing research on projects he could do at home. That’s when he came across cutting boards and decided to give it a try. He found he really enjoys the hands-on process and continues to make beautiful, high quality boards today.

When he's not making cutting boards, what does Carter like to do?

Being from Vermont and influenced by his parents' passion for skiing, Carter is an avid skier. He competes for both his high school team, as well as, a men's racing team. He is a member of his High School's track & field team and Varsity soccer team. He also plays soccer for a select club.

Athletics are simply one of Carter's passions.

Carter is highly involved in his academics, taking multiple AP courses and striving in school.

And, when he's not in school, or doing sports, or making cutting boards, he has a side job mowing lawns!

Handmade Custom Board
Custom boards are available upon request.
Premium Quality

Contact Carter today for a quote on a premium quality handmade custom board.


Custom boards are subject to longer turnaround times.

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